+34 91 457 55 64 central@guerola-sa.com

Corrugated cardboard

Special wax with synthetic polymers.


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ASTM D 3104 – ASTM D 3236 – ASTM D 1321 – ASTM D 3954 – ASTM D 445

ASTM D 721 – ASTM D 127 – ASTM D 938 – ASTM D 156

Corrugated cardboard

Recommended application:

This wax is indicated for the treatment by impregnation of the cardboard casing. (Blend for fluting) In general, its use is recommended for agricultural boxes that require good mechanical resistance and humidity.
The recommended application temperature is 110 ºC – 120 ºC


The boards thus treated significantly improve their mechanical characteristics, especially the resistance to crushing and bending.


Pearls: Sacks of 25 Kg.
Liquid: In tanks
Micropellets: 25 kg sacks

Storage and Conservation:

Store in cool, dry places. Under normal storage conditions the product is perfectly preserved for 2 years.

Sanitary Regulation:

All the components used comply with the requirements of the American regulation F.D.A. (Food and Drug Administration) not 21 CFR 175.105, as well as European Directive 2000/418 / EC

Since we can not foresee the applications under which our products can be used, we do not accept any responsibility for the results obtained by the application of this information or for the use of our products, either alone or in combination with other products.

Users are invited to conduct their own tests to determine the suitability or safety of each of these products for their own purposes. With the exception of the specifications approved above, we sell the products without warranty, the buyers and users assume full responsibility for the damages and losses resulting from the handling and use of our products, whether used alone or in combination with other products.

Information Diapers

8 + 8 =

Pol. Ind. IP7 Casa Vicari Avda. Francia, 2
46890 Agullent - Valencia
Tfs 96 290 70 32 Fx 96 290 86 28


Pº de la Castellana, 150 - 2º Dcha
28046 Madrid
Tfs 91 457 55 64 Fx 91 344 03 36
